Subject: RE: SDL-News: SDL Service Specifications
From: Sanders Richard (
Date: Thu Mar 29 2001 - 18:31:37 GMT
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-----From Sanders Richard <> to sdlnews -----
Dear Lee Kilayko-Domingo
The advantage with Services is that they can share common data. The
disadvantage is that they are mutually exclusive (they share the same
queue), and that they have to have disjunctive input signals sets (since the
current signal consumed from the queue determines which service is to run).
This way force unwanted renaming of signals just because you are using
So, generally speaking, one tends to prefer processes, unless one
particularly wants to share data between the state machines, in which case
Services is one way of solving it (but not the only; remote procedures,
operations on data types or signalling to a "database" process are other
ways of sharing data).
Testing and debugging is sometimes harder to cope with using Services (as
the test observer can get confused as to what service the input signal is
Good luck with your SDL work!
Let me take the opportunity of drawing attention to our SDL methods book,
TIMe - The Integrated Method, available at
- Richard
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []
> Sent: 29 mars 2001 02:11
> To:
> Subject: SDL-news: SDL Service Specifications
> Become an SDL Forum Society member
> <>
> The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
> -----From to sdlnews -----
> Hello -
> I am a relatively new SDL developer and some colleagues
> referred me to this
> forum for advise on the use of SDL service specifications.
> We develop with Telelogic TAU 3.6.2 and use the Cadvanced
> code generator to
> generate "lightly-integrated" code. I am the first to
> explore the use of
> SDL service specifications in our implementation. The
> advantages I see are
> the increased readability and the modularization that may
> facilitate the
> merge procedures.
> I already verified with Telelogic tech support that there are no known
> problems related to services and light integration.
> Actually, I am trying to justify the use of services to my
> colleagues and
> the answers to the following questions would be very helpful:
> - Are there any disadvantages to using services?
> - Why use services instead of procedures?
> - Are there guidelines on the use of services?
> Thank you.
> Lee Kilayko-Domingo
> Senior Software Engineer
> Opuswave Networks, Inc.
> (719) 955-7510
> --End text from to sdlnews ---
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--End text from Sanders Richard <> to sdlnews ---
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