Subject: RE: SDL-News: Further reply on data transfer
From: Y Giridhar Appaji Nag (
Date: Fri Oct 12 2001 - 12:18:30 GMT
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-----From Y Giridhar Appaji Nag <> to sdlnews -----
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Reed TSE []
> Another reply was sent to sdlnews from
>, but was
> BOUNCED due to filtering (to prevent too much junk mail).
because it was sent from an unsubscribed account. I guess
that was allowed though eariler.
> One remark on this reply:
> the "!" operator does a field selection, and I do not
> understand how it can
> be converted "->" in C instead, but perhaps this is
> documented in the Tau
> documentation.
Yeah! that is true. Most of the field selection and other
stuff is done using macros. The generated code uses these
macros (or at times function calls). For instance you have
something like this (in case of Tau generated code).
## define yExtract_<sort>(a, b) ((a).(b))
All you would have to do is to tell Tau that you will be
providing the definition of the yExtract_<sort> and that
it should not generate it(using ##ADT). Then use a
## define yExtrace_<sort>(a, b) ((a)->(b))
All this is pretty much documented in the Tau docs. And as
I said, your SDLs may not be easily portable.
Y Giridhar Appaji Nag I hate quotations
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