Subject: SDL-News: Re: SDL in BNF - reg
From: Rick Reed TSE (
Date: Mon Oct 15 2001 - 22:55:37 GMT
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-----From Rick Reed TSE <> to sdlnews -----
Elangovan Angannan at wrote on 14/10/2001 13:49:
> Dear Rick Reed,
> Is there any SDL grammar in BNF format? If yes, could
> you please provide me the link to it.
> It will be very useful for my project.
> Thanks a lot Rick,
> Kind Regards
> Elango
Dear Elango,
The BNF grammar is embedded in the SDL-2000 Word document.
The following VBA script will extract the syntax from the standard:
Sub Z100extractsyntax()
' extractsyntax Macro
' Macro 15/10/01 by Rick Reed
Dim para As Paragraph
Dim StyleName As String
For Each para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
StyleName = para.Style.NameLocal
If Not (StyleName = "z100 syntax" _
Or StyleName = "z100 syntax last line" _
Or StyleName = "z100 syntax 1st line") _
End If
End Sub
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