Subject: SV: SDL-News: Recursive Procedure in SDL
From: Anders Olsen (
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 20:28:29 GMT
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-----From "Anders Olsen" <> to sdlnews -----
Dear Yuchen Zhang,
Recursive procedures are typically used in situations where you need to
manipulate tree structures or where you have to do complex numeric
operations. Until now, SDL has not been much used in such application areas.
This might however change with SDL2000 which has more powerful mechanisms
for handling of data structures.
In SDL-96, procedures are typically used for structuring, for example to
split the state machine into smaller parts or handling a certain aspect for
a process.
Operators, on the other hand, are more 'close' to data handling and you will
therefore more often find recursion there.
But I dont think recursion in SDL differs from recursion in other languages
when it comes to execution problems.
Anders Olsen
Cinderella ApS
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vegne af Yuchen Zhang
Sendt: 9. april 2002 18:10
Emne: SDL-news: Recursive Procedure in SDL
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-----From Yuchen Zhang <> to sdlnews -----
I post a message about recursive procedure in SDL awhile ago, but didn't
get much reply, so I'd like to give it a try again. And this time, I will
try to be more specific.
SDL supports recursive procedures, but I have not encountered any models
using them. There is a theory I heard that it's because faulty recursive
procedures may crash the whole system through over-flowing the stack while
faulty iterations may just lock up one process. The theory is debatable
as far as I can see. And now that recursive procedures in SDL is not going
away any time soon (as far as I know), I was wondering why are recursive
procedures not used, or (hopefully) I am just missing out a whole world
out there using SDL recursive procedures. Thanks.
Yuchen Zhang
--End text from Yuchen Zhang <> to sdlnews ---
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