Subject: Re: SDL-News: A question about CIF2SDT
From: Laurent DOLDI (
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 08:11:54 GMT
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-----From Laurent DOLDI <> to sdlnews -----
Dear Mr. Yongqian,
I can't remember exactly because I have done it several months
ago, but when I downloaded Hiperlan 2 from ETSI PTCC I got the file which contains the SDL model in TAU format (i.e.
rlc_v03r02.sdt, rcp_appe.sbt, etc.).
Where exactly did you get "many CIF files"? (my
only contains one CIF file containing the whole model, to be loaded
for example in Telelogic ObjectGeode).
Best Regards,
Laurent DOLDI ** book: SDL Illustrated **
TransMeth Sud-Ouest 27, av. Segoffin 31400 TOULOUSE FRANCE
Tel.: +33 5 61 25 59 54 Fax: +33 6 07 74 87 71
At 10:49 30/05/02 +0800, you wrote:
>Dear All,
> I have downloaded a "Hiperlan/2 ASN.1, MSC and SDL Specifications"
from ETSI PTCC. After unzip the file, there are many CIF files. I use
TELELOGIC TAU42 CIF2SDT to cnevert them and get some SIF files. Who can
tell me some information about the SIF file and how can I see the GR file
of Hiperlan/2?
> Thanks a lot!
>Best Regards,
>Zhang Yongqian
>USTC( University of Science&Technology of China )
>E-mail: <>
--End text from Laurent DOLDI <> to sdlnews ---
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