Subject: RE: SDL-News: Hungarian Notation with SDL
From: Y Giridhar Appaji Nag (
Date: Fri Jan 31 2003 - 06:47:44 GMT
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-----From Y Giridhar Appaji Nag <> to sdlnews -----
John Sarallo <> wrote:
> Does anyone have any advice or experience (good or bad) with
> attempting to use an hungarian style notation with SDL?
This is kind of Off-Topic to the list ... but still ...
Personally, I consider Hungarian notation to be of no value, SDL
or otherwise. The name should be sufficiently descriptive to say
what information it carries and adding un-readable prefixes will
just add to the confusion rather than help one understand and/or
maintain the code.
Doesn't process_name "read" better than lpszProcessName?
-- Y Giridhar Appaji Nag Giridhar.Nag[#t]ubinetics(.)co.inSoftware evolves. It isn't designed. The only question is how strictly you _control_ the evolution, and how open you are to external sources of mutations. And too much control of the evolution will kill you. Inevitably, and without fail. Always. In biology, and in software. - Linus
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