Subject: SDL-News: a compile error
From: Yang LIU (
Date: Sun Feb 23 2003 - 17:33:02 GMT
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-----From "Yang LIU" <> to sdlnews -----
hi members:
I just generate C code from my SDL GR with telelogic SDL 4.3
but when I compile this code, it finds error C2020: 'U2' : 'union' member
I post a part of my code,
you can see two members in Union named U2,
Does anyone experience such similar problem?
How to correct this?
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
Yang LIU
* Function for procedure getElem
* ##SDTREF(SDL,C:\mac\station\getelem.sop(GetElem_1a),116(55,10),1)
yVDef_z_macsorts_1F3V_getelem * yPrdVarP;
##ifdef XTRACE
SDL_Boolean yDcn_SDL_Boolean;
union {
struct {
z_macsorts_1I_typesubtype Result1;
z_macsorts_1I_typesubtype Result2;
} U2;
struct {
z_macsorts_0U_octet1string Result1;
} U7;
struct {
z_macsorts_0U_octet1string Result1;
z_macsorts_1F_frame Result2;
} U14;
struct {
z_macsorts_1I_typesubtype Result1;
z_macsorts_1I_typesubtype Result2;
z_macsorts_1I_typesubtype Result3;
z_macsorts_1I_typesubtype Result4;
z_macsorts_1I_typesubtype Result5;
z_macsorts_1I_typesubtype Result6;
z_macsorts_1I_typesubtype Result7;
} U2;
} yUVar;
--End text from "Yang LIU" <> to sdlnews ---
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