Subject: Re: SDL-News: ADT's for handling generic functions
From: Rick Reed TSE (
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 12:47:22 GMT
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-----From Rick Reed TSE <> to sdlnews ----- at wrote on
05/03/2003 19:24:
> I am a new recruit at Telelogic and I have been made aware of the fact that
> SDL news is an external information source for everybody. But I was in the
> impression that this was Telelogic's internal source of exchange of
> information.
Dear Prakash,
As a newcomer to Telelogic, your action is quite understandable, because
there is no dispute that Telelogic is the largest supplier of SDL tools and
this list is for SDL news and support.
As chairman of the SDL Forum Society I encourage open discussion about any
tools on this news list, and I have always suggested that tool vendors to
use this list to make announcements and disseminate information (though, of
course, the list should not be used for persistent advertising - there is a
fine line ...). Actually I have always been disappointed that tool vendors
has not taken more advantage of this possibility.
From the user's viewpoint it is not always easy to know if an issue is in
the language or tool domain. Moreover, as you can see by reviewing past
emails to this list, a post to this list often gets quick and useful
responses from other SDL users. Posting to this list was in some ways a good
idea (though it may have been politic to use a non-Telelogic email address
;-) ). I expect they may be some other users who would like to see the
answer - that could be posted to this list as well.
The cost of running the server for this list paid for out of Society
subscriptions, and Telelogic has always been a significant member of the
-- Rick Reed - Tel:+44 15394 88462 Mob.:+44 7970 50 96 50--End text from Rick Reed TSE <> to sdlnews --- For extra SDL Forum Society benefits join at <>
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