Subject: SDL-News: Un-intuitive Type System
From: Patrick Frend (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 17:13:38 GMT
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-----From "Patrick Frend" <> to sdlnews -----
Is it just me or is some of the symantics of the SDL type
system un-intuitive. You could even go so far as saying
"Dangerous" and I'd have a hard time dis-agreeing.
For example:
I need a type in various different contexts which may only
have a positive integral value that will fit into 16 bits
So I define
SYNTYPE PositiveInteger = Natural
Now this range of values is used in the
protocol for various different uses, so I want to separate
the types. So intuitively I define.
SYNTYPE MadeUpUseOne = PositiveInteger
SYNTYPE MadeUpUseTwo = PositiveInteger
I define 2 variables.
DCL instanceOne MadeUpUseOne;
DCL instanceTwo PositiveInteger;
Question1: What value do each of the variables have immediately after
Question2: What range of values that each of the variables may be assigned?
You may have to delve right into the small-print of the SDL language spec to
get the
"correct" answers. I did, but still don't understand!
Are there any other strange, but commonly used constructs lurking out there
to bite?
Patrick Frend
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