Subject: Re: SDL-News: Asterisk input
From: (
Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 15:52:52 GMT
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> If your real intention is that the signal should NOT be received in the
> state, you should use the SAVE mechanism for the signal. This will leave
> signal in the input queue and the agent will remain in the same state
> there is some other stimulus that causes a (non implicit) transition to be
> taken. When another state is reached the set of input signals for that
> is examined and if this includes the signal it will be consumed and
> the transition associated with the input (provided there is no other
> stimulus which should be handled first - such as a priority input, or
> another signal that can be input that arrived first).
I'm actually aware of how SDL is suppose to work.
I now how to receive signals, use timers, procedures, etc... we actually
have a whole PBX application developed in SDL (Telelogic).
I actually wishes to save a signal (or all *, except those not already
explicitly consumed), but when I save the signal I also wishes to change
state which it seems is not possible (so another state can handle it).
But I guess I explicitly have to handle each signal and resend them to THIS
and change state or simply just use (a lot of) in/out connectors.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick Reed TSE" <>
To: "SDLnews" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: SDL-news: Asterisk input
> Become an SDL Forum Society member
> The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
> -----From Rick Reed TSE <> to sdlnews -----
> Jeanne Reed at wrote on 04/09/2003 14:40:
> >> From: "" <>
> >> To: <>
> >> Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 14:53:15 +0200
> >>
> >> I currently have a question with SDL.
> >>
> >> Is it possible with an asterisk input (or anything else ?) to send the
> >> received signal to another state, like storing it an enter a new state.
> >>
> >> Best wishes,
> >> Mads.
> Dear Mads,
> You have to receive the contents of the signal instance into variables -
> per parameter. This is done by putting a list of the variable names in
> parentheses after the signal name in the input.
> You may find it best to define the signal to have just one parameter of a
> STRUCT data type, so that only one parameter and variable are needed.
> The actual signal instance is consumed (and therefore ceases to exist)
> the transition for the input is entered. However, you are free to do
> whatever you like with the contents of the variables. They could, for
> example, be used as a parameter for an OUTPUT of a new instance of the
> signal to SELF, which would put a new signal instance with the same
> parameter values in the input queue.
> If your real intention is that the signal should NOT be received in the
> state, you should use the SAVE mechanism for the signal. This will leave
> signal in the input queue and the agent will remain in the same state
> there is some other stimulus that causes a (non implicit) transition to be
> taken. When another state is reached the set of input signals for that
> is examined and if this includes the signal it will be consumed and
> the transition associated with the input (provided there is no other
> stimulus which should be handled first - such as a priority input, or
> another signal that can be input that arrived first).
> --
> Rick Reed -
> Tel:+44 15394 88462 Mob.:+44 7970 50 96 50
> --End text from Rick Reed TSE <> to sdlnews ---
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