Subject: SDL-News: particular case of parallelism specification
From: Andreia (
Date: Fri Oct 10 2003 - 17:00:33 GMT
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-----From "Andreia" <> to sdlnews -----
I am starting in SDL by specifying a control unit
I have two FSMs. One calls the other when a specified
state is reached. The problem is that after this state
I need the two FSMs running in parallel, i.e. the caller
FSM proceeds with its execution and the called FSM starts
to run.
How is it possible to specify this situation graphically
in SDL?
Thanks for your help,
Andreia Melo
PhD student - Andreia Melo
Universidade de Aveiro
Dep. Electronics and Telecommunications
--End text from "Andreia" <> to sdlnews ---
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