Subject: SDL-News: new-to-sdlnews question: Tau postmaster example
From: Mike Rudnick (
Date: Fri Nov 21 2003 - 22:05:09 GMT
I'm new to SDL-news and ask a question about simulating an SDL system using the Telelogic Tau postmaster feature. I see an earlier question about using the Tau postmaster on SDL-news. If this is off-topic please excuse my interruption.
Tau documentation gives an example of how to use the public interface API under unix (Chapter 13 of the Tau 4.4 User manual, page 680 "Example of Use (UNIX only)) but not under windows. The details of what files are used, compilation and link procedures appear to be different under windows. Has anyone used Tau's postmaster public interface with windows? Any examples, suggestions, pointers or ideas on how to proceed?
Thank you for your help,
PS: I'll ferret it out eventually, but would like to take the most direct route.
Mike Rudnick
Senior Protocol Engineer
QoS Engineer
Appairent Technologies
150 Lucius Gordon Dr., Suite 211
West Henrietta, NY 14586
phone: 585.214.2454
fax: 585.214.2461
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