Subject: SDL-News: ITU-T Meetings & Possible Conflict of Interests
From: William H. Skelton (
Date: Thu Mar 11 2004 - 08:13:31 GMT
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-----From "William H. Skelton" <> to sdlnews -----
Dear Rick,
Thank you for the detailed explanation of your ITU-T activities. To avoid
a possible conflict of interests we should clarify how you will be
representing 4 organisations at the ITU-T meetings next week.
Acting as a rapporteur, as a representative of the SDL Forum, as Head of
Delegation for the UK and as an interested expert from TSE is a mix of
activities without clear boundaries. The SDL-Forum, a registered society,
is providing funding, but a commercial company, TSE Ltd, is involved.
Your email of 9th March shows TSE has prepared documentation on the
SDL-subset claiming its own copyright using information from the task
force. To avoid confusion, TSE should avoid the appearance that it could
be exploiting the task force work commercially.
The SDL Task Force is a separate organisation and does not belong to the
SDL-Forum. We feel you, as Chairman of the SDL-Forum, should not present
the result of the task force work to the ITU-T, even before the task force
has reported to the SDL-Forum.
The ITU-T invitation for the task force to attend the Geneva meetings is an
important opportunity to promote SDL and is a benefit to the
SDL-Forum. Looking forwards to your comments and your support...
At 14:30 09.03.2004 +0000, you wrote:
>William H. Skelton at wrote on 09/03/04 12:52:
> > Dear Rick,
> >
> > In the SDL Task Force I have just seen your email mentioning the
> > reorganization of SG17, in particular the merger of the language related
> > activities and the new role of Os Monkawich.
> >
> > Does this reorganization affect the work you have doing on behalf of the
> > SDL Forum? Are you still representing the SDL Forum at the SG17 meetings
> > next week in Geneva?
>My roles at next week's meeting are as follows:
>a) As rapporteur for for the proposed Question N/17, continuation of
>Questions 13, 24, 25/17 and part of Question 14/17;
>In particular rapporteur for the work from Q.13/17 and Q.14/17.
>There is a proposed standard (Z.104) for consent which previously came under
>Q.14/17 which concerns data encoding for SDL.
>This can found at:
>086> - for ITU-T TIES members (username/password needed);
>> - for SDL Forum members (username/password needed).
>b) As a representative of the SDL Forum Society (and as Society chairman
>head of delegation for the Society);
>c) Head of delegation for the UK;
>d) Interested expert from TSE Limited.
>I am registered as Head of delegation for the UK.
>As far as the actual work is concerned (a) is the major item.
>As far as funding is concerned, the only non-TSE funding I am receiving is
>from the SDL Forum Society. Without this funding I could not afford to
> > To help the task force synchronize with the SDL Forum, could you very
> > briefly summarize the target that you are trying to achieve at the ITU-T on
> > behalf of the SDL Forum? Are you representing any other organisations
> > during this work, that we should take into account?
>The only clear mandate that I have from the SDL Forum is concerned with
>aligning the results of the Task Force and the ITU standards (see minutes of
>the Forum AGM). To achieve that I intend to propose to restructure the SDL
>standards in such a way that there is a clearly defined subset.
>The procedure followed for previous joint work between ITU-T and the Forum
>was to hold joint technical meetings and come to decisions at these
>meetings. Much of the discussion took places by email, but our experience
>was that to make some decisions a physical meeting was necessary. I see no
>specific reason to change this approach, except that I expect the work to be
>more driven by the Society members. Previously all decisions were made by
>consensus, though occasionally it was necessary to take an indicative vote.
>As a general description of what activities are taking place in the
>SDL Forum regarding standardization, amendments to the language, future of
>SDL, and whether SDL-2000 the end of the road see
>< SDLnews2000to2013/0412.html>.
>Nothing has happened in the last couple of months to change that.
>Society members are welcome to make their views known - preferably by email
>discussion on the list.
>Rick Reed -
>Tel:+44 15394 88462 Mob.:+44 7970 50 96 50
William H. Skelton, Engineering Dept.
SOLINET GmbH Solutions for Innovative Networks
Mittlerer Pfad 26, 70499 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel +49 711 1398 1377, Fax +49 711 866 1240
Mobile +49 171 247 6688,
--End text from "William H. Skelton" <> to sdlnews ---
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