Subject: Re: SDL-News: How to accelerate the SDL simulations
From: Andreas Metzger (
Date: Thu Mar 18 2004 - 14:20:05 GMT
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-----From Andreas Metzger <> to sdlnews -----
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Hi Yang,
although in a simulation the value of NOW is not connected to the wall
clock, transitions still take up processing time (CPU time). Now, the
actual run-time of your simulation will depend on the number of
transitions you have to perform until you reach the end of your
simulation. This number of transitions can depend on the timers in your
system or the number of transitions triggered by other transitions.
Assuming a very simple system with one timer that expires at 5000
(signalling the end of simulation) and one other timer with a period of
0.001 (say 1 milli time-unit of simulated time). You will end up with
having to schedule and "compute" 5000 * 1000 = 5 Mio Transitions.
Ergo, you should check the relations of all timers in your system and
make sure that these are in a "reasonable" relation to one another.
Hope this helps.
~ Andreas
Yang Yang wrote:
| Become an SDL Forum Society member
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| -----From "Yang Yang" <> to sdlnews -----
| Hi,members,
| I am now simulating the designed routing protocol in a network which
consists of
| 25 nodes. And we all know in SDL, the time is not the real time, but a
| scheduled concept. I find out that the simulation is very slow. It
will take me 2
| days to finish the simulation of just 5000 time units. CPU in my
computer is P4
| 2.4C, and the memory is 512M DDR.
| I want to ask how I can accelerate the simulations? Is setting the
trace value
| to 0(forbidding the display of the trace) useful? Any other suggestions?
| Thanks in advance!
| Yang
| --End text from "Yang Yang" <> to sdlnews ---
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- -- Dipl.-Inform. Andreas Metzger Department of Computer Science,
University of Kaiserslautern, Germany Website:
- --
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