Subject: SDL-News: Re: [SDLTF-Members] Data types & ITU-T Synchronisation
From: Rick Reed TSE (
Date: Fri Apr 09 2004 - 15:07:38 GMT
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-----From Rick Reed TSE <> to sdlnews -----
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William H. Skelton at wrote on 09/03/04 15:26:
> Also you didn't coordinate your activity with us and we already have a
> section on the data types, so there has been work duplicated, ...
William H. Skelton at wrote on 10/03/04 05:26:
> Unfortunately it is not clearly marked which parts you have added and it
> seems you didn't enable 'track changes'. As the task force document has
> changed since then, ...
> As this will take a few days, to avoid delay I will propose to the
> committee to issue the current task force document, version 1.3,
Dear Task Force Committee and members of the mailing list,
I provided some input on data types to be considered, and I understand from
Alkis and William that this was useful.
However, William pointed out that I "didn't coordinate your activity with
us" (the committee?), or indicate what what added and/or modified.
So that I (or any member of the mailing list) can provide useful critique
and input, the plan of work being done by the task force needs to be more
visible. I suggest the latest draft version is made available to all as soon
as possible, the committee reports the planned work and makes draft versions
available on a more frequent basis.
-- Rick Reed - Tel:+44 15394 88462 Mob.:+44 7970 50 96 50--End text from Rick Reed TSE <> to sdlnews --- For extra SDL Forum Society benefits join at <>
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