Subject: Re: SDL-News: how can a queue in SDL (or queue in C which can be used in TAU) delay each signal without specifying the signal names?
Date: Tue Jul 20 2004 - 11:10:48 GMT
Hi Gary,
To model M/M/1 you could proceed in two ways:
Every element in the queue has associated a time to be send. Every time
you serve a new element from the queue you check when the next element
should be served and set a timer properly: SET (NOW + (txtime - NOW),
sendTimer). When the timer expires (you catch the signal) you can remove
the send the element and check the next element in the queue.
Every time a new element is inserted into the queue you set a timer as
SET (txtime, sendTimer(elementToSend))
The timer should previously be declared as
TIMER sendTimer(elementType)
In this way you can reuse the same name of the signal (you are using the
same timer), because you are passing the element to send as a parameter.
You can have as many concurrent timers as you want.
Best regards,
Joan Martin
Philips Research Laboratories
Weisshausstr. 2
D-52066 Aachen, Germany
Phone: +49.241.6003-552
Research Group 'Connectivity Systems'
"D Wang, Electrical & Electronic Engineering" <>
Sent by:
07/20/04 11:28 AM
Please respond to "D Wang, Electrical & Electronic Engineering"
cc: (bcc: Joan Martin/ACN/RESEARCH/PHILIPS)
Subject: SDL-news: how can a queue in SDL (or queue in C which can be used in TAU)
delay each signal without specifying the signal names?
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-----From "D Wang, Electrical & Electronic Engineering"
<> to sdlnews -----
Dear friends,
I need to build a queue in SDL (or TAU) to model m/m/1. The queue delays
each signal for a period and then send the signal out. I read the help
document several times, but cannot solve the problem:
How can SDL *recognise* different signals (e.g. sigA, sigB) with one set
commands? That is, how can the SDL queue (or C queue which can be used in
TAU) delay each signal without specifying the signal names?
It seems SDL can only deal with each signal explicitly by its signal name,
right? and even each signal need to have different names when being sent
into and out from the queue, otherwise the queue will receive the same
signal again and again as a self-message.
I appreciate every piece of help on how such a queue can be done in SDL or
Thank you very much.
--End text from "D Wang, Electrical & Electronic Engineering"
<> to sdlnews ---
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Hi Gary,
To model M/M/1 you could proceed in two ways:
"D Wang, Electrical & Electronic Engineering" <> Sent by:
07/20/04 11:28 AM
To: cc: (bcc: Joan Martin/ACN/RESEARCH/PHILIPS) Subject: SDL-News: how can a queue in SDL (or queue in C which can be used in TAU) delay each signal without specifying the signal names? Classification:
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