Subject: Re: SDL-News: Gates and Block Substructure (fwd)
From: Andreas Prinz (
Date: Wed Nov 16 2005 - 08:13:14 GMT
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-----From Andreas Prinz <> to sdlnews -----
Dear Jose Marķa Parra Sageras,
you wrote:
> I see what you mean but taking into account my specs, I need to define a
> group of blocks inside a block. I use a block substructure as a way to
> achieve this. So I cannot specify anything at the top-level version of
> the block type because it is not permmited defining a block in the upper
> level block (in SDL-96). I have considered other implementations but
> there is no way for them. I need at least three blocks defined inside a
> block.
That sounds strange to me. As far as I know, blocks could be put into
blocks since SDL'88. I have also checked with Cinderella, which allows
this for SDL'96 and SDL'92. See also the reply by Laurent Doldi.
So the language does allow putting blocks graphically into block types.
Now it is really important to know which tool you are using in order to
find a way around your problem.
Best regards,
Andreas Prinz
-- Andreas Prinz --End text from Andreas Prinz <> to sdlnews --- For extra SDL Forum Society benefits join at <>
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