SDL-News: XML for Specification and Description Language
Subject: SDL-News: XML for Specification and Description Language
From: Rick Reed TSE (
Date: Sun Dec 12 2010 - 08:53:59 GMT
At SAM2010 there was some discussion about producing XML for the Specification and Description Language. Who is interested.
Rick Reed -
Tel:+44 15394 88462 Mob.:+44 7970 50 96 50
Skype: rickreed_windermere (by arrangement)
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From: Pau <>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 12:02:45 +0100
To: 'Rick Reed TSE' <>, 'Marina Bagi ć Babac' <>
Cc: 'sg17q13' <>
Subject: RE: [T17Q13] Re: question on SDL - XML
Dear Reed and Marina,
We are also interested in the possibility of develop an XML version of SDL.
Regarding the two questions stated by Rick, we have resources now to work in this area. Also we have a complete representation of the SDL using XML for our purposes (information regarding this can be find here <> or here <> ).
We are open to establish any collaboration in order to success with this issue.
Best regards,
Pau Fonseca i Casas
Department of Statistics and Operations Research.
Technical University of Catalonia, BarcelonaTECH
North Campus - B5 Building.
Tel. (+34) 93 4017732
Fax. (+34) 93 4015855
From: Rick Reed TSE []
Sent: divendres, 10 / desembre / 2010 15:32
To: Marina Bagi ć Babac
Cc: sg17q13
Subject: [T17Q13] Re: question on SDL - XML
On 10/12/10 10:38, "Marina Bagić Babac" <> wrote:
Dear Mr. Reed,
We have met in Oslo (SAM 2010) two months ago.
I have submitted the new version of the paper in November, and I am curious about two things.
First, can we expect the review results any time soon? And, in your opinion, is there by any chance a possibility of developing an XML version of SDL?
Thank you very much for any answer,
Marina Bagic Babac
Univ. of Zagreb
Dear Marina,
I am the correct person to contact about an XML version of the ITU-T Specification and Description Language, as I am responsible for the standard.
Of course, anyone is free to prepare their own XML for the language, but I assume you want to know if the ITU-T would be interested in publishing an XML version as an interchange format as well as or instead of ITU-T Rec. Z.106. The two main criteria for the ITU-T doing this would be:
- Sufficient interest in the result;
- Sufficient effort to do the work.
Normally before any study is started there has to be 4 ITU-T members supporting it. There is some interest and the possibility of XML to replace the existing CIF has been considered before. The ITU-T group has been somewhat put off by the UML experience of interchange formats. On the other hand an XML schema could have some benefits.
With respect to doing the work, would you be interested, and how much work could you put in and over what period of time? Are their others who might collaborate? Would you be able to attend meeting in Geneva for 2 or 3 days every 6 month approximatey between now and approval of the result (possibly in 2012)?
Rick Reed -
Tel:+44 15394 88462 Mob.:+44 7970 50 96 50
Skype: rickreed_windermere (by arrangement)
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