Subject: SDL-News: sdl96 let's start
Date: Thu May 15 1997 - 06:05:20 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Ralf Schroeder <> to sdlnews
I currently try to create a parser for SDL'96 according to the
Genevre output 10-18 April 1996. Here the first two syntactical
system s;
channel c from b to env with rpc;
endchannel c;
remote procedure rpc; returns PId;
newtype foo
op : PId -> Integer;
op : PId, PId -> Integer;
endnewtype foo;
block b;
signalroute sr from p to env with rpc;
connect c and sr;
process p;
dcl sr2 PID, i Integer;
imported procedure rpc; returns PId;
task i := foo(call rpc to call rpc via sr,sr2);
^^^^ (1)
^^^^^^^^^^ (2)
endprocess p;
signalroute sr2 from p to p2 with rpc;
process p2;
start; stop;
endprocess p2;
endblock b;
endsystem s;
(1) sr2 is a variable and a signal route. Because <via path> is a ','
list the ",sr2" could be a <via path element>. If I understand Z.100
this would be a broadcast via sr and sr2. Implied RPC and remote
signals with broadcast?!
Proposal: the "via" construction for "call" and "import" with
<via path element> only.
(2) This is the typical shift/reduce situation, which needs clarification
a) call rpc to (call rpc via sr)
b) call rpc to (call rpc) via sr
Normally shift (a)!
Well, this forum is not quit correct, but I do not receive e-mail from the
SG10Q6 forum anymore.
Regards Ralf
Ralf Schroeder, Humboldt University Berlin
www :
tel. : +49-30-20-181-321
fax : +49-30-20-181-234
-----End text from Ralf Schroeder <> to
sdlnews -----
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