Subject: SDL-News: Can SDL be made attractive to more users?
From: Jacqueline Floch (
Date: Tue Sep 09 1997 - 09:26:04 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Jacqueline Floch <> to sdlnews -----
At 08:39 09.09.97 +0200, Thomas Stingl <> wrote:
>You should check the corresponding chapters "SDL extensions and
>restrictions" e.g. in the Simulator manuals, you will be amazed ...
I am not surprised at all when I read the documentation from the SDL tools
providers. Have a look at Z.100 and you will understand why some constructs
are not supported! As Daniel Vincent tells us there are only a few
constructs that are not supported today. I think the tools providers
deserve to be praised for the considerable work they have done the last
years (and the work they are going on doing...). Of course, they also get
paid for that work...
However I understand why some users find it difficult to use the tools and
to use SDL: SDL is complex and it takes time to get familiar to the
language. I notice that many NEW SDL users have addressed questions to the
SDL forum in the last months. I beleive that the SDL Forum society should
consider to work with a rich introduction to SDL that includes various,
complete, both simple and complex "REAL" SDL examples. Many industrial
users have trouble because they do not manage to express some particular
features of their systems in SDL. It seems that they do not find the right
answer in the various books have been published about SDL. Why not create a
database with examples that illustrate both basic, simple SDL features but
also more advanced features. Have the SDL users around the world developed
examples that could be collected and made available to a large public? May
be such an initiative could promote the diffusion of SDL?
Jacqueline Floch.
o /
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Jacqueline Floch / Tel: +47 73 59 30 12
SINTEF Tele og Data D Fax: 73 53 25 86
N-7034 Trondheim, Norway Priv: 73 51 52 77
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
-----End text from Jacqueline Floch <> to sdlnews -----
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