Subject: SDL-News: Re: MSC-News: Performance and Time
From: Ekkart Rudolph (
Date: Fri Nov 14 1997 - 16:36:29 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Ekkart Rudolph <> to sdlnews -----
Andreas Mitschele wrote:
> (Results of the Joint Q6,9/10 Meeting in Lutterworth, Oct. 15, 1997)
> Currently, SDL and MSC do not support various aspects related to performance
> and time (see TDL620 for details).
> In order to deal with performance and time aspects in SDL and MSC
> additional information has to be associated with the SDL and/or MSC
> specification. The most important information are:
> - the arrival process, describing the signals arriving at the system,
> - the resource requirements of the parts of the specification,
> - the available resources,
> - the mapping of the parts of the specification on the resources, and
> - the sensors to specify which performance information is probed.
> The meeting agreed that performance and time are very important aspects
> and should be dealt with in the context of SDL and MSC.
> In addition, some (weak) agreement could be achieved concerning the following:
> All information typically kept in the implementation description, i.e.
> the available resources and the mapping on the resources, should remain
> outside of SDL and MSC.
> However, a standardized approach to specify this information is needed in
> order to support the application of different performance tools.
> No agreement could be reached concerning formal specification of the remaining
> information. Tool vendors tend to prefer SDL, the MSC community would like
> associate the information with MSCs.
Dear Andreas,
what is happening if a tool vendor is part of the MSC community?? Rather than
comparing tool vendors with the MSC community I would prefer a comparison of
SDL and MSC, e.g. time aspects concerning signal exchange can be reasonably specified
only within MSC. Otherwise I would suggest the following summary:
Question 9 or Question 6 this is the question!
Best regards!
Ekkart Rudolph
Dr. Ekkart Rudolph phone: +49 89 289 25361
Technische Universitaet Muenchen fax: +49 89 289 28183
Institut fuer Informatik, email:
c/o Lehrstuhl Prof. Broy
Arcisstrasse 21
D - 80290 Muenchen
-----End text from Ekkart Rudolph <> to sdlnews -----
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