Subject: SDL-News: REQUEST FOR HELP : measuring SDL program complexity
From: Aaron P. D'Souza (
Date: Mon Apr 13 1998 - 16:08:33 GMT
i have a request to make to people on the SDL Forum mailing list.
-- Aaron P. D'Souza,, (847) 632-4193, Motorola Inc.
MEASURING COMPLEXITY OF SDL PROGRAMS --------- ---------- -- --- --------
We need to define a metric that could be used to measure SDL program complexity. It was felt that counting lines of generated code was not a good measure for a good reason: code is automatically generated by the tool (Geode) from SDL. Size of code will be dependent on version of Geode used.
A suggestion was proposed whereby program complexity could be measured by assigning to different nodes of different types various weightings. However, we are not sure that this is the best method.
We would like to know: * if there are any formal methods available to calculate SDL program complexity?
* if there are any tools available to calculate SDL program complexity automatically?
Another related SDL question: * is there an SDL tutorial in English available on the Internet?
Any help on this will be really appreciated.
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