Subject: RE: SDL-News: Specifying capacities of queues, ...
From: Heinz Kabutz (
Date: Wed May 27 1998 - 15:04:50 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Heinz Kabutz <> to sdlnews -----
For our SDL Performance analysis toolset DNAsty, we also use external
data to specify maximum signal queue lengths and channel capacities.
That way, we didn't have to extend the SDL/PR syntax, which meant that
existing parsers such as the ObjectGEODE API could be reused. It could
be useful to specify such bounds using the CIF if all the tool
developers agree on a common format.
Heinz Kabutz
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Philippe Leblanc []
>Sent: Wednesday, 27 May, 1998 14:05
>To: 'Bernd Grahlmann'
>Subject: RE: SDL-news: Specifying capacities of queues, ...
>The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
>-----From Philippe Leblanc <> to sdlnews -----
>In the ObjectGEODE toolset, the limitation of queue sizes or process instance
>creations is not specified in the SDL model but by means of filtering
>commands in the Simulator-Validator.
>For example to limit to 5 the maximum number of messages stored in the queue
>of the 2nd instance of process p1, you must enter the following command:
>filter length (p1(2)!queue) > 5
>To prohibit the creation of the 6th instance of process p2, you must enter:
>filter create p2(6)
>Therefore, you can easily change your constraints and observe the resulting
>model behavior (which is strictly a subset of the unconstrained model
>behavior, filtering does not change the model semantics), without modifying
>the model itself.
>Philippe Leblanc
>Tel.: +33 (0)5 61 19 29 33
>Switchboard: +33 (0)5 61 19 29 39
>Fax: +33 (0)5 61 40 84 52
>BP 1310
>F-31106 Toulouse Cedex - France
>De: Bernd Grahlmann[]
>Date d'envoi: mardi 26 mai 1998 14:53
>Objet: SDL-news: Specifying capacities of queues, ...
>The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
>-----From (Bernd Grahlmann) to sdlnews
>Dear SDL users and tool builders,
>we are currently integrating SDL support into our verification tool `PEP'.
>As far as verification is concerned, it makes sense to restrict the
>capacity of channels and input queues, as well as the maximal number of
>instances of a procedure which may be concurrently active. In order to
>be compatible with other (existing) tools, I would like to know `if' and
>these bounds can be (explicitly) specified in the phrase representation (PR)
>within other tools.
>Any hints are much appreciated.
>Bernd Grahlmann Universit"at Hildesheim
>Dipl. Inform. Institut f"ur Informatik
>Telefon (+49) 05121 / 883 -760 /-740 Samelsonplatz 1
>Telefax (+49) 05121 / 860 475 D-31141 Hildesheim
>-----End text from (Bernd Grahlmann) to
>sdlnews -----
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>-----End text from Philippe Leblanc <> to sdlnews
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-----End text from Heinz Kabutz <> to sdlnews -----
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