Subject: SDL-News: Re: VERILOG Comments on Exception handling
From: Anders Olsen ( )
Date: Fri Jun 26 1998 - 12:08:00 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From (Anders Olsen) to sdlnews -----
Dear Yves
I understand your concern that exception handling adds overhead during execution,
but I think it is difficult to avoid overhead with exception. This is also a wellknown
problem in C++. But I think that if exception handling must be resolved statically,
the real power of exception handling is lost. Most C++ compilers can switch off
exception handling, the same could be done in the SDL tools.
If exception handling is solved statically, how should progation from (possible remote)
procedures be handled?
Regards Anders
-----End text from (Anders Olsen) to sdlnews -----
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