Subject: RE: SDL-News: Communication between processes in different blocks
From: Philippe Leblanc (
Date: Wed Aug 05 1998 - 12:05:28 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Philippe Leblanc <> to sdlnews -----
1) Process communication
To solve the non-determinism in your example, the signal
outputs must be made with a TO Pid construct. For this
purpose, a Manager process could be included in each block to
instantiate the local processes and exchange their addresses
with the remote block.
2) Decision answer
Answers must be ground expressions.
So you are not allowed to use variables.
Philippe Leblanc
-- Tel.: +33 (0)5 61 19 29 33 Switchboard: +33 (0)5 61 19 29 39 Fax: +33 (0)5 61 40 84 52 Email: VERILOG S.A. BP 1310 F-31106 Toulouse Cedex - France De: Sergio Lopes[] Date d'envoi: mardi 4 août 1998 21:25 A: Objet: SDL-news: Communication between processes in different blocks
The originator of this message is responsible for its content. -----From Sergio Lopes <> to sdlnews -----
Dear SDLers,
I have the following problem:
I two processes in different blocks with 2 instances of each in the block. I want to establish communication between them in a deterministic way, this is, I want the instance 1 in the 1st block to communicate with the instance 1 of the 2nd block. As I cannot create a child process in different block, how do I solve this? I looking for the most efficient manner to do it. To better clarify the problem I've included the PR description of an example matching the problem:
SYSTEM examplesystem;
newtype ExampleType struct field1 natural; field2 integer; endnewtype; signal mesg1(ExampleType), mesg2;
CHANNEL ch FROM block1 TO block2 WITH mesg1; FROM block2 TO block1 WITH mesg2; ENDCHANNEL;
BLOCK block1;
SIGNALROUTE r1 FROM process1 TO ENV WITH mesg1; FROM ENV TO process1 WITH mesg2;
PROCESS process1 (2,2); dcl a ExampleType; START ; NEXTSTATE state1; STATE state1; INPUT mesg2; TASK 'do something'; OUTPUT mesg1(a); NEXTSTATE -; ENDSTATE; ENDPROCESS;
BLOCK block2;
SIGNALROUTE r2 FROM ENV TO process2 WITH mesg1; FROM process2 TO ENV WITH mesg2;
PROCESS process2 (2,2);
dcl a ExampleType; dcl b natural, c, d integer;
START ; NEXTSTATE state1; STATE state1; INPUT mesg1(a); DECISION a; ( (. b, c .) ): TASK 'do something'; ( (. b, d .) ): OUTPUT mesg2; ELSE: ENDDECISION; NEXTSTATE -; ENDSTATE; ENDPROCESS;
By the way, I have another problem still: how can avoid the GROUND EXPRESSION EXPECTED warning in the decision of process2? That is, Is it possible to have decision answers with variables?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards, Sergio Lopes.
===================================================== Name: Sergio Adriano Fernandes Lopes Address: Dpto Electronica Industrial e-mail: Universidade do Minho Tel.: +351 53 510190 Campus de Azurem Fax: +351 53 510189 4800 Guimaraes PORTUGAL =====================================================
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