Subject: RE: SDL-News: Procedure call of a value returning procedure
From: Ramana Bhamidipati (
Date: Sun Jan 10 1999 - 06:30:27 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Ramana Bhamidipati <> to sdlnews -----
>>>In that case you can also write in a PROCEDURE CALL SDL symbol:
>>>>(but this is less easy to read than using a TASK).
It is true that one can go in for this type of statement, but what I would like to add
is that the statement
ReturnVal := CALL XYZ(a,b,c)
will be more useful when one declares new variables inside the procedures ( that can be
INTEGERS, CHAR's , Structures etc.) and would like to be available at the calling point,
but ofcourse the OUT statement will work over there, but when a RETURN is used one can
get back the value into a different variable altogether at the calling point!
Venkata Ramana Bhamidipati
Senior Software Engineer,
Future Software Pvt. Ltd.,
Ph :+91-44-433 0550 [Extn -313/312/310]
Fax : 4344157, 4834551, 4834661
-----Original Message-----
From: laurent DOLDI []
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 1999 4:24 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: SDL-news: Procedure call of a value returning procedure
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From laurent DOLDI <> to sdlnews -----
At 10:08 09/01/99 +0530, you wrote:
>The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
>-----From Ramana Bhamidipati <> to sdlnews -----
>... But when a return parameter is expected the same
>procedure call has to be placed in the task box and the syntax for
>calling the procedure looks somewhat like this
>ReturnVal := CALL XYZ(a,b,c)
In that case you can also write in a PROCEDURE CALL SDL symbol:
(but this is less easy to read than using a TASK).
Laurent DOLDI
TransMeth - Formal Methods applied to Telecommunications
18, rue des SAULES
Tel. +33 (0)5 61 25 59 54
Mobile +33 (0)6 80 26 62 31
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