Subject: Re: SDL-News: SDL to VHDL
From: jean-luc Roux ( )
Date: Wed Jan 13 1999 - 16:56:06 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From (jean-luc Roux) to sdlnews -----
we are involved in european R&D projects (INSYDE, COMITY) on this subject,
mainly for the purpose of codesign of HW/SW system eg. in Telecoms
or embedded SW in aerospace systems.
Information on the projects can be downloaded from
Other pointers are the followings:
-> the INSYDE project finished in 97, but work still
on-going; the project addressed the integrated design of HW/SW systems
based on the following languages: OMT, SDL, VHDL and C
-> the COMITY project, still ongoing; the project aims at providing a codesign environment for
embedded HW/SW systems, based on formalisms such as
SDL, Lustre, MATRIXx, Statecharts and VHDL.
An important pointer for this project is also the site of a
new spin-off company AREXSYS
that markets a new solution for codesign based on COMITY
results. It starts with an SDL specification of the
global system, then performs automatically the
partitioning (=transformation) into C code for SW parts
and VHDL code for HW parts.
VERILOG's ObjectGEODE interfaces to AREXSYS tool to propose
an integrated solution for HW/SW codesign. See the latest news at
Best regards,
Jean-Luc Roux (
-----End text from (jean-luc Roux) to sdlnews -----
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