Subject: SDL-News: Need help selecting a Research Topic.
From: Prakash R (
Date: Wed Feb 24 1999 - 13:13:22 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Prakash R <> to sdlnews -----
I'm a post-graduate student at IISc (Bangalore). I've narrowed down on
the following topics as the area(s) of research.
SDL, Software Components, Patterns.
I need some help in picking up a research problem. I must not only do
some theoretical work, I must also have an implementation component to
the thesis.
Given this background, Could some of you suggest
problems/tools/requirements and desirables in this area?
For example:
*) How about a way of searching for components? (type-based
searching) and a tool to search for these components in an archive of
components. (=> also a way of archiving and retrieving components in
*) What about an SDL to C/C++ converter? Will this be feasible by a
single person working for about 6-8 months.
*) Tools for creating/modelling SDL objects? (Definitely a part of a
tool. But if a framework can be built, then probably we can have a
open source version of tools and SDL can be used more widely in the
industry. I think SDL is an very good medium to abstract and convey
ideas. But the existing tools are prohibitively costly.)
*) MSC to skeleton SDL generator?
Any ideas are welcome. Also, could somebody point me to relevant
journals where I can get information about what research is happening in
these areas currently? Any homepages? Any other bodies/universities
involved in doing research in any of the keywords I mentioned above?
- Thanks in advance.
PS: I had asked for topics earlier. Deadlines at office didn't help me
in working on my research. :(. Now, I'm having more time. Also, I
reordered my priorities. :)
-- Prakash R Co-ordinating Engineer =========================================================================== C-DOT (Centre for Development of Telematics) 71/1, Sneha Complex, Miller Road, Bangalore - 560052, India, Phone:+91-80-2263399, Fax:+91-80-2263256 ===========================================================================-----End text from Prakash R <> to sdlnews ----- For help, email "" with the body of your email as: help or (iff this does not answer your question) email:
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