Subject: SDL-News: PhD thesis on automatic code generation from SDL
From: Nikolai Mansurov (
Date: Fri Apr 09 1999 - 16:14:45 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Nikolai Mansurov <> to sdlnews -----
Department for CASE Tools of the Inst. for System Programming (ISP)
announces the presentation of a PhD thesis "Automatic code generation from
SDL specifications" by Alexei Ragozin (scientific advisor - Dr. Nikolai
The presentation will take place at the Moscow State University on 16th of
April 1999, 11am at the Faculty for Computational Mathematics and
Cybernetics (Vorob'jevy Gory, fakul'tet VMK, room 685). The thesis is
available at the library of the Faculty (in Russian).
Methods of automatic code generation from SDL are considered with respect
to producing readable and flexible programs. The main research topic was
to investigate the possibilities of varying the structural properties of
the automatically generated programs. The concept of declarative mappings
is introduced. Declarative mappings allow to generate readable and
flexible programs adaptable to different target environments and
platforms. A declarative mapping from complete SDL-92 to C++ well as
corresponding run-time support system are presented. A method for
comparing structural quality of generated programs is suggested and
applied to a number of known SDL code generators.
phone: (7095) 912-5317
fax: (7095) 912-1524
Head of the Department for CASE Tools,
Institute for System Programming
Dr. Nikolai Mansurov
-----End text from Nikolai Mansurov <> to sdlnews -----
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