Subject: RE: SDL-News: On implementations
From: Yoni Rabinovich (
Date: Fri Aug 13 1999 - 08:48:31 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Yoni Rabinovich <> to sdlnews -----
Hi Flavio,
I developed a fairly large telecom application a few years ago with
Telelogic's SDT (the SDL core of TAU).
The way we handled issues like those you raise were by using the
"environment" functions (xInEnv, xOutEnv etc.)
The xInEnv function is called as part of the main loop of the SDT
scheduler. Our SDT application ran on top of the pSOS Real Time OS, as a
pSOS task (thread). External applications generated pSOS events when they
wanted to pass data to the SDL system. The SDT main loop would check for
such events in xInEnv, and translate them into SDL signals sent into the
system. We designed it such that the SDL system would not block waiting for
inputs from the external applications, so as not to block the SDL system
itself. On the other hand, the SDT task would "go to sleep" if there was
nothing for it to do (i.e. no internal SDL signals or timers or external
events pending).
Yoni Rabinovitch
R&D Team Leader
ADC Teledata Communications
7 Ha'sadnaot St, Hertzlia, 46120, Israel
Phone: +972-9-9591741
Fax : +972-9-9591444
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 12 August 1999 22:14
> To:
> Subject: SDL-news: On implementations
> The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
> -----From "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fl=E1vio_J._Moritz_Jr.?="
> <> to sdlnews -----
> Hi,
> I've been lurking on this list for a while now and haven't seen any
> discussion on SDL tools.
> Well, I not actually interested in talking about the tool itself, but
> rather
> how people use these tools.
> Let me give you an example.
> I use Telelogic's tools (TAU) to design telecom applications.
> It's (Telelogic's) C code generator implements the application.
> Those applications are compiled and run on UNIX boxes.
> Whenever I need to access a database server, I use interprocess
> communications protocols to send messages to another UNIX process which in
> turn uses the database API.
> Just because I don't want my "SDL" app to block on a function call while
> waiting for the database server.
> So, I was wondering. How does anybody else do the same thing ?
> How about shrinking this "middleware" into a thread ?
> Wouldn't it be better ?
> Can you see the kind of conversations I would like to have ?
> Is this an appropriate forum for this ?
> Can I start this kind of discussions here?
> Does anybody knows a better forum for this?
> Any mailing lists or newsgroups ?
> Please, don't take me wrong. I find people here very helpful. I just don't
> want to bother you with things that aren't of your interest.
> []'s Flávio Moritz
> "The chase is better than the catch."
> -----End text from "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fl=E1vio_J._Moritz_Jr.?="
> <> to sdlnews -----
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-----End text from Yoni Rabinovich <> to sdlnews -----
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