Location of the SAM 2014 conference: Blue Cube, 4th floor, "Auditorium" at the Universitat Politècnica de València.
The proceedings of the SAM 2014 conference are published by Springer in LNCS 8769. See Proceedings of all SAM events.
The slides of both keynotes and all paper presentations are available for download in one single zip file, or individually in the list of keynotes and papers.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Session Chair: Jacques Klein
Paper (15), Paper (13) **, Paper (4)
(Blue Cube, 3rd floor, "Auditorium Hall")

Safely Reusing Model Transformations through Family Polymorphism
(abstract) (presentation)
Session Chair: Ferhat Khendek
Paper (9), Paper (8), Paper (10)
(Blue Cube, 3rd floor, "Auditorium Hall")
Session Chair: Emmanuel Gaudin
Paper (7), Paper (1), Paper (16)
(SAM/MODELS Satellite Events)
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Session Chair: Shaukat Ali
Paper (12), Paper (14), Paper (5), Short Paper (S3), Short Paper (S2)
(Blue Cube, 3rd floor, "Auditorium Hall")

Making Model-Driven Verification Practical and Scalable: Experiences and Lessons Learned
(abstract) (presentation)
Session Chair: Edel Sherratt
Paper (11), Paper (17), Paper (3) *
(Blue Cube, 3rd floor, "Auditorium Hall")
Session Chair: Finn Kristoffersen
Paper (2), BEST PAPER AWARD: Paper (18), Paper (6), Short Paper (S1)
(note that this is the "Aragón" location)
(the SAM 2014 conference dinner was included in a SAM 2014 registration, but not a MODELS Satellite Events registration)
Keynote - Jean-Marc Jézéquel
(Monday 11:00)
"Safely Reusing Model Transformations through Family Polymorphism"
The engineering of systems involves many different stakeholders, each with their own domain of expertise. Hence more and more organizations are adopting Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) to allow domain experts to express solutions directly in terms of relevant domain concepts. This new trend raises new challenges about designing DSLs, evolving a set of DSLs and coordinating the use of multiple DSLs. In this talk we explore various dimensions of these challenges, and outline a possible research roadmap for addressing them. We detail one of these challenges, which is the safe reuse of model transformations.
Indeed both DSL definition and tooling (e.g., checkers, document or code generators, model transformations) require significant development efforts, for a limited audience (by definition), because the current state of the art of Model Driven Engineering still makes it hard to reuse and evolve these definitions and tooling across several DSLs, even when these DSLs are conceptually very close to one other. We outline a new extension to the Kermeta language that leverages Family Polymorphism to allow model polymorphism, inheritance among DSLs, as well as evolution and interoperability of DSLs.
Jean-Marc Jézéquel is Professor at the University of Rennes, Director of the Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires (IRISA) and a distinguished contributor to research in model-driven engineering and software product lines. Jean-Marc is also a member of Inria's Triskell team, which he headed from 2001 to 2011 and where he established the Kermeta (Kernel Metamodeling) environment. Kermeta defines a core metamodeling toolkit for advanced model-driven tools and inspired significant progress in the area of software language engineering.
Keynote - Lionel Briand
(Tuesday 11:00)
"Making Model-Driven Verification Practical and Scalable: Experiences and Lessons Learned"
Verification challenges in the software industry, including testing, come in many different forms, due to significant differences across domains and contexts. But one common challenge is scalability, the capacity to test and verify increasingly large, complex systems. Another concern relates to practicality. Can the inputs required by a given technique be realistically provided by engineers? Though, to a large extent, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a significant component of many verification techniques, a complete solution is necessarily multidisciplinary and involves, for example, machine learning or evolutionary computing components.
This talk reports on 10 years of research tackling verification and testing problems, in most cases in actual industrial contexts, relying on MDE but also metaheuristic search, optimisation, and machine learning. The focus of the talk will be on how to scale to large system input spaces and achieve practicality by decreasing the level of detail and precision required in models and abstractions. I will draw from past and recent experiences to provide practical guidelines and outline possible avenues of research.
Concrete examples of problems we have addressed, and that I will cover in my talk, include schedulability analysis, stress/load testing, CPU usage analysis, robustness testing, testing closed-loop dynamic controllers, and SQL Injection testing. Most of these projects have been performed in industrial contexts and solutions were validated on industrial software.
Lionel Briand is Professor (FNR PEARL chair) in software engineering and is Vice-Director at the Centre for ICT Security, Reliability, and Trust (SnT), University of Luxembourg. He is a highly regarded expert in the areas of software verification and model-driven engineering, performing research with strong and sustained industrial collaborations. He is an IEEE Fellow, and is the recipient of the IEEE CS Harlan Mills award, and the IEEE Reliability Society's engineer-of-the-year award.
Accepted Full Papers
(1) (Monday 16:30) Alexander Knapp and Harald Störrle. Efficient Representation of Timed UML 2 Interactions
(2) (Tuesday 16:00) Alexander Kraas. Towards an Extensible Modeling and Validation Framework for SDL-UML (video)
(3) (Tuesday 15:00) Amine El Kouhen, Abdelouahed Gherbi, Cédric Dumoulin, Pierre Boulet and Sébastien Gérard. MID: A MetaCASE Tool for a Better Reuse of Visual Notations
* Published in proceedings in chapter "Reuse" with papers (15) and (4).
(4) (Monday 10:00) Daniel Liabeuf, Xavier Le Pallec and José Rouillard. An Empirical Study on the Anticipation of the Result of Copying and Pasting among UML Editors
(5) (Tuesday 9:30) Delcino Picinin Júnior, Cristian Koliver, Celso A.S. Santos and Jean-Marie Farines. Verifying Hypermedia Applications by Using an MDE Approach
(6) (Tuesday 17:00) Georg Hackenberg, Alarico Campetelli, Christoph Legat, Jakob Mund, Sabine Teufl and Birgit Vogel-Heuser. Formal Technical Process Specification and Verification for Automated Production Systems
(7) (Monday 16:00) Gregor v. Bochmann. Associativity between Weak and Strict Sequencing
(8) (Monday 14:30) Havva Gülay Gürbüz, Nagehan Pala Er and Bedir Tekinerdogan. Architecture Framework for Software Safety
(9) (Monday 14:00) Jameleddine Hassine and Abdelwahab Hamou-Lhadj. Toward a UCM-Based Approach for Recovering System Availability Requirements from Execution Traces
(10) (Monday 15:00) Joachim Denil, Maris Jukss, Clark Verbrugge and Hans Vangheluwe. Search-Based Model Optimization Using Model Transformations
(11) (Tuesday 14:00) Lukas Mäurer, Tanja Hebecker, Torben Stolte, Michael Lipaczewski, Uwe Möhrstädt and Frank Ortmeier. On Bringing Object-Oriented Software Metrics into the Model-Based World - Verifying ISO 26262 Compliance in SimuLink
(12) (Tuesday 8:30) Man Zhang, Tao Yue, Shaukat Ali, Huihui Zhang and Ji Wu. A Systematic Approach to Automatically Derive Test Cases from Use Cases Specified in Restricted Natural Languages
(13) (Monday 9:30) Markus Scheidgen and Joachim Fischer. Model-Based Mining of Source Code Repositories
** Published in proceedings in chapter "Metrics, Constraints and Repositories" with papers (11) and (17).
(14) (Tuesday 9:00) Mohamed Mussa and Ferhat Khendek. Acceptance Test Optimization
(15) (Monday 9:00) Øystein Haugen and Ommund Øgård. BVR - Better Variability Results
(16) (Monday 17:00) Sabine Winetzhammer, Joel Greenyer and Matthias Tichy. Integrating Graph Transformations and Modal Sequence Diagrams for Specifying Structurally Dynamic Reactive Systems
(17) (Tuesday 14:30) Shaukat Ali, Tao Yue, Muhammad Zohaib Iqbal and Rajwinder Kaur Panesar-Walawege. Insights on the Use of OCL in Diverse Industrial Applications
(18) (Tuesday 16:30) Tobias Braun, Dennis Christmann, Reinhard Gotzhein and Alexander Mater. SDL Implementations for Wireless Sensor Networks - Incorporation of PragmaDev's RTDS into the Deterministic Protocol Stack BiPS (BEST PAPER AWARD)
Accepted Short Papers
(S1) (Tuesday 17:30) Andreas Blunk and Joachim Fischer. Prototyping SDL Extensions
(S2) (Tuesday 10:15) Julien Deltour, Alain Faivre, Emmanuel Gaudin and Arnault Lapitre. Model-Based Testing: An Approach with SDL/RTDS and DIVERSITY
(S3) (Tuesday 10:00) Wei Dou, Domenico Bianculli and Lionel Briand. Revisiting Model-Driven Engineering for Run-Time Verification of Business Processes