SDL '03: System Design
11th SDL Forum
Full Programme
(update: 19 Aug 2005)
(goto general information

Tuesday 1st July 2003 Tutorial
The Forum took place in Hotel
Maritim at Stuttgart.
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
Track 1: MSC and SDL
09:00 - 10:30
MSC-2000 Message Sequence Charts |
Anders Olsen, Cinderella |
10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:30
SDL-2000 Specification and Description
Language (Part 1) |
Rick Reed TSE Ltd
Andreas Prinz, Dresearch
Martin von Löwis, Humboldt University Berlin |
12:30 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
SDL-2000 Specification and Description
Language (Part 2) |
Rick Reed TSE Ltd
Andreas Prinz, Dresearch
Martin von Löwis, Humboldt University |
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:30
SDL-2000 Specification and Description
Language (Part 3) |
Rick Reed TSE Ltd
Andreas Prinz, Dresearch
Martin von Löwis, Humboldt University Berlin |
Track 2: OMG links
09:00 - 10:30
Component Development: Part 1 -
Development with eODL |
Joachim Fischer, Humboldt University
Berlin |
10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:30
Component Development: Part 2 - the CORBA
Component Model |
Frank Stoinski, Harald Böhme, Bertram
Humboldt University Berlin |
12:30 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:30
The UML Testing Profile (Part 1) |
Ina Schieferdecker, Fraunhofer FOKUS |
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:30
The UML Testing Profile (Part 2) |
Ina Schieferdecker, Fraunhofer FOKUS |
Tool demonstrations took place throughout
Wednesday 2nd, Thursday 3rd and Friday Morning.

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
Tool demonstrations took place throughout
Wednesday 2nd, Thursday 3rd and Friday Morning.
(goto general information
08:00 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 9:30 Welcome and Introduction
 | Keynote speech
 | Peter Hofelich
Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation
09:30 - 10:30 Proceedings Session 1:
 | Chair: Edel Sherratt (University of Wales Aberystwyth) |
Paper: Looking for Better Integration of Design and
Performance Engineering
 | Wei Monin (France Telecom R&D),
Fabrice Dubois (France Telecom R&D),
Daniel Vincent (France Telecom R&D),
Pierre Combes (France Telecom R&D) |
Paper: Scenario-Based Performance Engineering with UCMNav
 | Dorin Petriu (Carleton University),
Daniel Amyot (University of Ottawa),
Murray Woodside (Carleton University) |
10:30 - 11:00 Refreshments
11:00 - 12:30 Proceedings Session 2: Evolution
 | Chair: Ina Schieferdecker (Fraunhofer FOKUS.) |
Paper: Using SDL for Modeling Behaviour Composition
 | Jacqueline Floch (SINTEF & NTNU),
Rolv Bræk (NTNU) |
Paper: A Real-time Profile for UML and how to adapt it to
 | Susanne Graf, Ileana Ober (VERIMAG) |
Paper: MSC Connectors The Chamber of Secrets
 | Peter Graubmann (Siemens) |
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Proceedings Session 3:
 | Chair: Amardeo Sarma (NEC Europe Ltd.) |
Paper: Industrial Application of the SDL-Pattern Approach
in UMTS Development
 | R. Grammes (University of Kaiserslautern),
R. Gotzhein (University of Kaiserslautern),
C. Mahr (Siemens),
P. Schaible (University of Kaiserslautern),
H. Schleiffer (Siemens) |
Paper: Synthesizing SDL from Use Case Maps: An Experiment
 | Yong He (University of Ottawa),
Daniel Amyot (University of Ottawa),
Alan Williams (University of Ottawa) |
Paper: Enhanced SDL Subset for the Design and
Implementation of Java-enabled Embedded Signaling Systems
 | Christoforos Kavadias (TELETEL),
Bernard Perrin (CSEM),
Vangelis Kollias (TELETEL),
Michael Loupis (Solinet) |
15:30 - 16:00 Refreshments
16:00 - 17:00 Session: Presentation of
 | Chair: Ken Turner (Stirling University) |
Short presentations in the main conference room of tools
or products in the demonstration area.
Telelogic Tau
17:00 - 18:00 SDL Forum Society AGM
All Society members welcome (including delegates paying
the full Forum fee who have chosen to join the Society at no
18:00 - 19:30 Free time
19:30 - 21:00 Evening
The room allocation will be announced on the day, based on how
many people wish to attend each workshop.
 | SDL: The next generation |
There seems to be some alternative directions:
- On the one hand there is the idea to have a
well-defined streamlined subset of SDL as discussed
at the SAM workshop and at ITU-T in November last
- On the other hand there is what is essentially the
"Model Driven Architecture Approach" where
UML and SDL become fully integrated.
Curiously, these two approaches are not completely
disjoint - for example:
- There are some extensions to SDL such as "INPUT
FROM GATE" common to advocates of both
- From both sides there is a need to change the Z
series standards to reflect real tools on the market;
- A recognition of the need to integrate signalling
protocol design and testing.
The work shop will be kicked off by two short presenters
who will run the work shop:
ITU-T, ETSI and OMG - what are they doing? - Rick
Reed, TSE Ltd.
Streamlining SDL - William Skelton, Solinet
Followed by open discussion on fuure directions and SDL
Forum Society role in standards.
 | 'BOF' session(s) |
No "Bird of the Feather" (BOF) sessions were
requested due to the otherwise full prgramme.

Thursday 3rd July 2003
Tool demonstrations took place throughout
Wednesday 2nd, Thursday 3rd and Friday Morning.
(goto general information
09:00 - 10:30 Proceedings Session 4: Modeling
 | Chair: Eckhardt Holz (Humboldt University Berlin) |
Paper: Generating a Compiler for SDL from the Formal
Language Definition
 | Andreas Prinz (DResearch Digital Media Systems),
Martin v. Löwis (ETSI) |
Paper: Modeling and Evaluation of a Network on Chip
Architecture using SDL
 | Rickard Holsmark (Jönköping University),
Magnus Häogberg (Jönköping University),
Shashi Kumar (Jönköping University) |
Paper: Formalizing Graphical Service Descriptions using
 | Kenneth J. Turner (University of Stirling) |
10:30 - 11:00 Refreshments
11:00 - 12:30 Proceedings Session 5: Timing
 | Chair: Håkan Carlsson (Telelogic) |
Paper: Specification and Simulation of Real Time
Concurrent Systems Using Standard SDL Tools
 | Giacomo Bucci (University of Florence),
Andrea Fedeli (University of Florence),
Enrico Vicario (University of Florence) |
Paper: RMTP2: Validating the INTERVAL Timed Extension for
SDL with an Industrial-size Multicast Protocol
 | Benoît Parreaux (France Telecom R&D),
Daniel Vincent (France Telecom R&D),
Gérard Babonneau (France Telecom R&D). |
Paper: Refining Timed MSCs
 | Tong Zheng (Concordia University),
Ferhat Khendek (Concordia University),
Benoît Parreaux (France Telecom R&D) |
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Proceedings Session 6: Validation
 | Chair: Domonkos Asztalos (Ericsson Hungary Ltd.) |
Paper: Using Projections for the Detection of Anomalous
 | Jacqueline Floch (SINTEF & NTNU),
Rolv Bræk (NTNU) |
Paper: Applying Mutation Analysis to SDL Specifications
 | Gábor Kovács (Budapest University),
Zoltán Pap (Budapest University),
Dung Le Viet (Budapest University),
Antal Wu-Hen-Chang (Budapest University),
Gyula Csopaki (Budapest University) |
Paper: Automatic Formal Model Generation and Analysis of
 | Annikka Aalto (Yomi Solutions)
,Nisse Husberg (Helsinki University),
Kimmo Varpaaniemi (Helsinki University) |
15:30 - 16:00 Refreshments
16:00 - 17:30 Session: SDL Design Contest
 | Chair: William Skelton (Solinet) |
Presentations from entries into the design contest..
17:30 - 19:00 Free Time
19:00 - Evening Social Event

Friday 4th July 2003
Tool demonstrations took place throughout
Wednesday 2nd, Thursday 3rd and Friday Morning.
(goto general information
09:00 - 09:30 Keynote Speech
 | Alkis Konstantellos (European Commission) |
Title: Real Time Systems in the 6th Framework Programme
09:30 - 10:30 Proceedings Session 7: Design
 | Chair: Andreas Prinz (DResearch) |
Paper: Applying SDL to Formal Analysis of Security Systems
 | Javier López (University of Malaga),
Juan J. Ortega (University of Malaga),
José M. Troya (University of Malaga) |
Paper: Development of Distributed Systems with SDL by
Means of Formalized APIs
 | P. Schaible (University of Kaiserslautern),
R. Gotzhein (University of Kaiserslautern) |
10:30 - 11:00 Refreshments
11:00 - 12:30 Proceedings Session 8:
 | Chair: Rolv Bræk (NTNU) |
Paper: Validation of SIP/H.323 Interworking using SDL/MSC
 | Ligang Wang (Concordia University),
J.William Atwood (Concordia University),
Anjali Agarwal (Concordia University) |
Paper: Modeling IETF Session Initiation Protocol and its
services in SDL
 | Ken Y. Chan (University of Ottawa),
Gregor v. Bochmann (University of Ottawa) |
Paper: Automated Generation of Marshalling Code from
High-Level Specifications
 | Thomas Weigert (Motorola)
Paul Dietz (Motorola) |
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Panel Session: Future of SDL
 | Chair: Rick Reed (TSE Ltd.) |
No final decisions had been by ITU-T on the content of the
next version of the Specification and Description Language
(Z.100 series) despite the scheduled date for approval in
2004. The Forum therefore came at an ideal time to discuss
what changes might be made. The impact of UML as a framework
for ITU-T languages and current trends in tools might be
considered. The panel members were selected to represent
different views and allowed to provide short written papers
before the session.
Panel Members:
 | Alan Williams(University of Ottawa) |
 | Emmanuel Gaudin (PragmaDev) |
 | Per Blysa(Telelogic) |
 | William Skelton (Solinet) |
 | Thomas Weigert (Motorola) |
The delegates were asked to submit written questions for
the panel members before the session. The panel members each
had a chance to answer selected questions and follow up
remarks and supplementary questions from the audience will be
allowed. The session produced some interesting discussion.
15:30 - 16:00 Refreshments
16:00 - 17:00 Conclusion
Conclusion from panel session - "keep on planned
Announcement of Design Contest Winners:
- First prize: Alkis Yiannakoulias (National
Technical University of Athens)
- Second prize: Alan Williams (University of
- Third prize: Keith Moss (The Open University,
United Kingdom)
Announcement of Best Paper Awards:
- Ferhat Khendek (Concordia University);
- Daniel Amyot (University of Ottawa);
- Philipp Schaible (University of Kaiserslautern).
SAM2004 at University of Ottawa and 12th SDL Forum (venue
Thanks and closing remarks.
(goto general information
