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The Sixteenth SDL FORUM
26-28 June 2013
Montréal Canada

Model-driven Dependability Engineering

Montreal - Festival city

Call for Papers
16th International System Design Languages Forum
Model-driven dependability engineering
June 26-28, 2013, Montréal, Canada

The SDL Forum is held every 2 years and is one of the most important open events in the calendar for anyone from industry and academia involved in System Design Languages and modelling technologies. It is a primary conference for discussion of the evolution and use of these languages. The most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field are discussed and presented. System and software modelling, specification, and analysis of distributed systems, embedded systems, communication systems, and real-time systems are addressed.

The SDL Forum Society that runs the Forum is a non-profit organization established by language users and tool providers to promote the Specification and Description Language (SDL), Message Sequence Charts (MSC) and related System Design Languages (including but not limited to UML, ASN.1, TTCN, SysML and URN), to provide and disseminate information on the development and use of the languages, to support education on the languages and to plan and organize the "SDL Forum" series and events to promote the languages.


We have come to depend heavily on software systems in virtually every sector of human activity, including telecommunications, aerospace, automotive, process automation, and this trend is further increasing. These software systems are increasingly complex because of ever growing demands for functionalities, features and improved user experience. The specification, design, validation, configuration, deployment and maintenance of such systems are accordingly complex tasks, to which the dependability requirements add yet another dimension. The dependability of software systems, which is a multi-attribute quality that includes reliability, availability and security, needs to be taken into account in the development process so that they meet the target requirements. Model-driven dependability engineering aims at developing dependable systems following the model driven paradigm.


The aim of the forum is to anticipate and influence future trends and to focus on issues that are important to its expected delegates. Authors are therefore invited to submit papers on topics related to System Design Languages including the following non-exclusive list of topics:

Dependability (availability and reliability) engineering, approaches and standards: model based approaches for dependability, dependability analysis models and evaluation, open middleware services for dependability, implementations and compliance to availability standards, design and validation of configurations, design and validation of upgrade campaigns, standard-based highly-available applications and case studies, tool support for highly-available application development, deployment and management.
Industrial application reports: industrial usage reports, standardization activities, tool support and frameworks, domain-specific applicability (such as telecommunications, aerospace, automotive, control, etc.). Such reports should focus on what is effective (and ineffective) in applying a technique preferably backed up by some measurements. A report should not just describe an implementation, though new application areas are of interest.
System engineering models: semantics of system models, refinement of system designs into hardware/software implementations, integration of system and software design models, non-functional aspects (such as performance, quality of service, real-time aspects, security, etc.) in system models, multi-core models.
Model-driven development: analysis and transformation of models, reuse approaches, verification and validation of models, systematic testing based on and applied to models.
Evolution of development languages: domain-specific language profiles especially for dependability, modular language design, language extensions, semantics and evaluation, methodology for application.

The conference programme will include:

• Presentations from invited speakers

• Tutorials

• Presentation of research papers

• Presentation of industrial experiences

• Tool demonstrations and posters

• Networking opportunities

Submission policy

Submissions should be previously unpublished, written in English, no longer than 16 pages (including the illustrations and bibliography) and using the LNCS style as described on http://www.springer.com/lncs. Papers accepted or under review for other events are ineligible for submission to SDL2013.

Submissions in the following categories are solicited:

Full papers describing original, unpublished results (max. 16 pages in LNCS style)
Short papers, describing work in progress (max. 8 pages in LNCS style)
Posters and exhibits (submit poster and/or 400 word abstract)

Important: Electronic submission using http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sdl2013 in PDF format is mandatory. Please refer to the conference homepage for more information.

The SDL Forum Program Committee will evaluate the technical contribution of each submission as well as its accessibility to the audience. Papers will be judged on significance, originality, substance, correctness, and clarity.

Accepted papers must be presented at SDL2013 by one of the authors. As in previous editions, the SDL2013 proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series.

Publishers of the proceedings for
SDL2011 - LNCS7083; SDL2009 - LNCS5719;
SDL2007 - LNCS4745; SDL2005 - LNCS3530.

Important Dates

Authors should submit an abstract as soon as possible.

Abstract and Paper submission: February 22nd, 2013
Notification of acceptance: March 22nd, 2013
Camera-ready version deadline: April 02nd, 2013
Poster and exhibit proposals: May 15th, 2013
SDL Forum: June 26th – 28th, 2013


Organization Chairs Members

Abdelouahed Gherbi    École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada

Ferhat Khendek    Concordia University, Canada

Maria Toeroe    Ericsson, Canada

Reinhard Gotzhein    Chairman of SDL Forum Society

Martin von Löwis    Treasurer of SDL Forum Society

Rick Reed    Non-voting Board member of SDL Forum Society

Conference Co-Chairs

Abdelouahed Gherbi    École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada
Ferhat Khendek    Concordia University, Canada
Maria Toeroe    Ericsson, Canada
Reinhard Gotzhein    University of Kaiserslautern, Germany (Chairman of SDL Forum Society)

Programme Committee

Amyot, Daniel   

University of Ottawa, Canada

Bræk, Rolv   

NTNU, Norway

Brocks, Reinhard   

HTW Saarland, Germany

Bruel, Jean-Michel   

University of Toulouse, France

Doldi, Laurent

Aeroconseil, France

Fischer, Joachim   

Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

Fonseca i Casas, Pau   

UPC, Spain

Fryer, John   

SAForum and OpenSAF, USA

Gaudin, Emmanuel   

PragmaDev, France

Gherbi, Abdelouahed   

École de technologie supérieure, Canada

Gotzhein, Reinhard   

University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Grabowski, Jens   

University of Göttingen, Germany

Graubmann, Peter   

Siemens, Germany

Haugen, Øystein   

SINTEF, Norway

Hélouët, Loïc   

INRIA Rennes, France

Herrmann, Peter   

NTNU, Norway

Hogrefe, Dieter   

University of Göttingen, Germany

Khendek, Ferhat   

Concordia University, Canada

Kim, Tae-Hyong   

KIT, Korea

Kristoffersen, Finn   

Cinderella, Denmark

Le Traon, Yves   

Luxembourg University, Luxembourg

Liu, Yan   

Concordia University

Majzik, Istvan,   

Budapest University of Tech. and Economics, Hungary

Medve, Anna   

University of Pannonia, Hungary

Merino Gómez, Pedro

Pedro University of Malaga, Spain

Møller-Pedersen, Birger   

Oslo University, Norway

Monkevich, Os   

Sympatico, Canada

Mussbacher, Gunter   

Carleton University, Canada

Najm, Elie   

ENST, France

Ober, Ileana   

University of Toulouse, France

Ober, Iulian   

University of Toulouse, France

Pataricza , Andras   

Budapest University of Tech. and Economics, Hungary

Penkler, Dave   

HP, France

Petriu, Dorina   

Carlton University, Canada

Poncela González, Javier 

Málaga University, Spain

Prinz, Andreas   

Agder University College, Norway

Reed, Rick   


Rioux, Laurent   

Thales, France

Rodriguez-Cayetano, Manuel   

Valladolid University, Spain

Sanders, Richard   

SINTEF, Norway

Sarma, Amardeo   

NEC, Germany

Selic, Bran   

IBM Rational, Canada

Sherratt, Edel   

University of Wales, UK

Tam, Francis   

City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Tröger, Peter   

Potsdam University, Germany

Toeroe, Maria   

Ericsson, Canada

von Löwis, Martin   

Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Weigert, Thomas   

University of Missouri-Rolla, USA

Call for papers as zipped MSWord document

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