Annual General Meeting 2020
of the SDL Forum Society
The AGM 2020 of the SDL Forum Society was held virtually (Zoom) on October 19, 2020, from 07:45 to 08:45am (Montréal local time).
The business of the meeting was as follows:
- To approve the minutes of the previous AGM;
- To receive and adopt the report of the Board and the statement of accounts for the year;
- To elect the Board for the coming year;
- To elect the auditors for the coming year;
- To discuss the future operation of the Society;
- To consider any proposed resolutions from the Board or members for operation
of the Society in future, including (but not limited to) Society Events, standardisation work, member
benefits and subscriptions.
The following candidates were nominated for Board election and were duly elected:
- Daniel Amyot - Chairman
- Ferhat Khendek - Secretary
- Reinhard Gotzhein - Treasurer
MODELS 2021 will be in Tokyo (Japan). It may be difficult to have SAM 2021 in Japan.
The event may be virtual or hybrid.
The Society Board is delegated to decide the organization of SAM 2021.
Rick Reed
October 23, 2020