Subject: SDL-News: Codegeneration and Designpartitioning
Date: Fri Jun 12 1998 - 07:38:15 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From to sdlnews -----
Hallo SDL community,
we are using the SDT-Tool from Telelogic to specify the upper Physical
Layer upon the Applicaton Layer of a distributed real-time
communiation system.
Are there any experience in best practice to divide the
SDL-description into hardware and software components for an embedded
Is it advisible to generate the firmware automatically with
codegenerators like cmicro or cadvanced under real-time conditions in
the range of a few ten microseconds ?
Best regards,
Juergen Jasperneite
Technology Development Manager
-----End text from to sdlnews -----
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