Subject: SDL-News: SDL Forum Society Grant (Reminder)
From: Oystein Haugen (
Date: Mon Jun 15 1998 - 11:11:00 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From Oystein Haugen <> to sdlnews -----
Hello MSC and SDL users and researchers
The SDL Forum Society has decided to offer grants for projects related
to the promotion of SDL and MSC. The funds will be granted prior to the
execution of a project. The funds will be released subject to milestone
reports and other validation of the progress of the work.
If you have a project using SDL and MSC in a novel and interesting way,
or if you study MSC and SDL from a more theoretical point of view e.g.
as a part of your education, you may receive a grant of up to 5000 DEM,
not to speak of the great honor to receive such a grant!
Please check out the web-site:
with accompanying application form: [June 2013 - page no longer exists]
Do not hesitate to apply since the deadline is June 20th and the winners
will be announced at SAM'98 in Berlin in the end of June. If you have
any additional questions, please feel free to contact me.
Oystein Haugen
Secretary SDL Forum Society
-- ------------------------ Oystein Haugen, Ericsson as. , P.O. box 34, N-1361 Billingstad, Norway Tel: +47 66 84 23 46 Fax: +47 66 84 19 15 E-mail: text from Oystein Haugen <> to sdlnews ----- For help, email "" with the body of your email as: help or (iff this does not answer your question) email:
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