Subject: SDL-News: a problem on SDT link
From: defh (
Date: Thu Oct 28 1999 - 08:28:48 GMT
Dear experts,
I use SDT in a HP J282 workstation Center1 and a few terminals, there are 15 licenses there. To improve the running speed, I export the SDL directory to another HP J282 workstation Center2, and use
SDT software in Center2. In Center2, the SDL Editor works well, Analyze well, but the Make command doesnot work as in Center1.
It responds,
+ Make started
Conversion of SDL to PR started
Conversion to PR completed
Syntactic analysis started
Syntactic analysis completed
Semantic analysis started
Semantic analysis completed
Code generation started
Code generation completed
Compile and link started
Making in /users/sdl/wangbin/
make -f DemonGame.m sctdir=$sdtdir/SCTADEBCOM
cc -I/app/telelogic/sdt/sdtdir/hppasdtdir/SCTADEBCOM/../INCLUDE -c -Aa +DA1.0 +DS1.0 -DSCTDEBCOM -DHPUXANSICC DemonGame.c -o DemonGame_sml.o
(Bundled) cc: warning 480: The -A option is available only with the C/ANSI C product; ignored.
(Bundled) cc: "/app/telelogic/sdt/sdtdir/hppasdtdir/SCTADEBCOM/../INCLUDE/sctpred.h", line 498: error 1000: Unexpected symbol: "*".
(Bundled) cc: "/app/telelogic/sdt/sdtdir/hppasdtdir/SCTADEBCOM/../INCLUDE/sctpred.h", line 504: error 1000: Unexpected symbol: "xEq_SDL_Bit_String".
(Bundled) cc: error 2017: Cannot recover from earlier errors, terminating.
*** Error exit code 1
ERROR 274 Compile and link exited with error code
Compile and link completed
Number of errors: 1
+ Make completed with errors
I do not know why and how can I make it work.
Huang Defeng
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