Subject: SDL-News: SDL-2000 and MSC-2000 appoved
From: Jeanne Reed TSE (
Date: Sun Nov 21 1999 - 14:15:06 GMT
The originator of this message is responsible for its content.
-----From "Jeanne Reed TSE" <> to sdlnews -----
ITU-T 19 November 1999
ITU adopts new releases of SDL and MSC Specification and Description
Geneva � The release 2000 of the widely used specification and design
languages SDL (Specification and Description Language) and MSC (Message
Sequence Charts) have been approved today by Study Group 10 of the ITU
Telecommunications Standardization Sector (ITU-T SG10). SDL and MSC are
description languages for communicating systems. Commercial tools have
supported SDL and MSC as a proven technology and provided the means for
validation, verification, and automatic generation of executable
applications and test cases. SDL and MSC tools now have 32% of the real-time
software development tool market. New tool releases will support the new
standards in the second quarter of 2000.
"These new standards reinforce the long-standing ITU tradition of producing
a basis for high-quality standards and products", said Houlin Zhao, Director
of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau" "Already, the use of
SDL to specify Intelligent Network standards has increased the quality of
the standards while significantly reducing the time for their completion",
added Amardeo Sarma, Chairman of Study Group 10, noting that SDL and MSC
contribute towards an open and competitive marketplace without being tied to
specific vendors or proprietary products. The SDL Rapporteur Rick Reed
emphasized the benefit to telecommunication companies and their customers.
"You may not see SDL, but the mobile phone and the services you have come to
rely on are very likely to have been developed using SDL tools", he said.
SDL and MSC have been upgraded to meet the challenges and the needs of users
in the next Millennium. Known for providing error-free specifications and
implementations, the languages now more than ever will cater to modern
dynamic real-time systems. Together these languages form the foundation for
formal and attractive industrial specifications of real-time systems of any
SDL and MSC were originally designed to specify and describe the behaviour
of telecommunication systems and protocols. Today they are also widely used
by large telecommunication companies throughout their development processes.
The use of SDL and MSC has spread to other fields, such as aeronautics, the
car industry and medicine.
Users of SDL and MSC can analyze, validate and simulate system behaviour
early in the software development process, thereby slashing development
cost. The precise and unambiguous agreement between customers and suppliers
on requirements based on SDL and MSC significantly contributes towards
achieving interoperable systems in a multi-vendor environment. SDL allows
product code to be generated from the high-level specifications.
Following their approval today, the new language standards take effect
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